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Night Owl's Shareware - PDSI-004-1 - Wayzata Technology (1990).iso
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File List
457 lines
File Utilities
Location of files 015A
3740UTIL.ZIP 9051 02-17-87 Convert ibm 3740 files to pc
4_VTREE.ZIP 7308 04-23-87 Four different ways to do a dir listing
8088D.ZIP 61747 01-05-87 Debugger which only works on *.com files
ABF.ZIP 107434 12-03-87 Automated backup facility v1.11 tsr
ADDTO.ZIP 8417 03-04-88 Append lines to existing files
ALERT13U.ZIP 65312 08-19-88 Maintain integrity of files against viru
ALEXGET.ZIP 2967 03-21-87 Get files across dirs w hlp scrn a. s.
ALLBUT.ZIP 14383 06-30-89 Deletes "all (files)...but.."use carefu
ALTER241.ZIP 3846 06-19-87 Bruce gavin's attribute modifier v2.41
ARCHIVEC.ZIP 19754 03-09-87 Color vers. of famous backup program
ARC_LBR.ZIP 2773 04-23-88 Help with arc's lbr's zoo's _ ?q? files.
ASK3.ZIP 17586 03-14-87 One more password program
ATTRXL.ZIP 13861 09-11-88 Modify file attributes _ menu driven
ATVER2.ZIP 23841 03-27-88 Arctool v 2.0 very nice program_archives
B0112.ZIP 40652 10-25-89 Deletes backup files_mult. extensions
BACKFILE.ZIP 2444 07-01-87 Backup files to floppy from clipper
BACKUPCA.ZIP 6260 01-23-87 Calc of floppies for backup
BAK.ZIP 6804 12-11-87 Searches all directories _ delete *.bak
BC20.ZIP 16935 08-15-87 File compare utility
BCOMPARE.ZIP 4716 05-31-87 C _ point _ shoot comp files m/cm
BCOPY.ZIP 1954 12-23-88 Pc mag utility for copying in backround
BESTFIND.ZIP 20127 04-07-89 The best file finder utility yet
BEYONDC.ZIP 23792 09-24-87 Good file compare utility
BLED21.ZIP 82794 06-07-88 Version 2.1 of bled for merging files
BMENU51.ZIP 17023 01-29-90 Batch menu enhancer 5.1
BOOZ102.ZIP 19515 08-26-88 Mini zoo utility (c source)
BREAK31.ZIP 26525 05-17-88 World's best file splitter improved
BROWS30.ZIP 46298 12-14-88 Windows_based files viewing program
BXD2.ZIP 26474 03-19-88 Brand x full screen debugger _ very good
CAT10C.ZIP 16122 08-05-87 Catalog with description
CDEL.ZIP 1407 01-21-87 Delete utility like gdel _ 12k smaller
CFA.ZIP 43425 10-07-88 Point _ shoot file attributes (mice_)
CHAIN220.ZIP 4004 03-20-87 Chain v2.2 list clusters file occupies
CHATT.ZIP 10825 04-12-88 Change file attributes from the command
CHD.ZIP 7983 01-28-87 Change directory util eases navigation
CHG2DATE.ZIP 1156 07-28-87 Changes file name to current date
CHOP3.ZIP 26640 12-13-87 Chop v 3.0 split big file into smaller
CHOPIT.ZIP 18216 04-18-87 Chop up large files into 25k files
CMOVE6.ZIP 6284 06-06-87 Move file across directory fast
CMTD_D.ZIP 30128 09-22-88 Add description to files + copy ren del
CNSMC.ZIP 37809 02-03-88 File transfer _ prn sharing. in backgrnd
CO.ZIP 3400 11-14-87 Copy util from pc mag ala dr _ rn.com
CODE_IT.ZIP 6398 05-27-87 Encrypt any kind of file great
COLDIR15.ZIP 15100 04-14-88 The best color directory lister
COMMENT.ZIP 17412 07-31-88 Add comment to arc file use with pkarc
COMMENTZ.ZIP 2512 04-23-89 Batch file for adding comments to zip f
COMPRES2.ZIP 66821 12-08-88 *nix_compat. lzw compress exe _ src v.2
CONVDB2.ZIP 6946 02-14-87 Xfer contents of one file to another w/
COPDSK2.ZIP 3193 03-21-89 Pgr _ copy protected disk from drive a
COPPY35.ZIP 17211 12-19-88 Copy to floppies by optimum size__new
COPYMAST.ZIP 32379 01-05-89 Copyiipc clone that actually works
COPYQ202.ZIP 43075 07-09-89 Read once, write many diskette copies +
CP.ZIP 15756 08-19-86 Unix like copy routine
CPT20.ZIP 27916 02-11-87 Copytree_utility to copy directory tree
CRYPTING.ZIP 21717 12-15-87 Data encrypt\decrypting routines
CRYPTO.ZIP 28385 02-02-87 Incript your files and need a password to get
CSCAN102.ZIP 33035 07-16-88 Great file utility for networks big hds
CUDUP1.ZIP 68771 11-29-89 Control duplicate file creep on all dis
D1.ZIP 4477 02-08-87 Ward christensen's new dir command
DAAG201.ZIP 21004 11-21-89 Give listing of where your large files are
DAAG232.ZIP 99012 08-16-90 Give listing of files on disk and finds dups
DAMENU.ZIP 178478 06-24-88 Great and easy menu program
DARC.ZIP 7787 11-22-86 Deletes files in subdir already archived
DATEDEL.ZIP 8249 11-14-86 Deletes files with dates as specified.
DATEFILT.ZIP 10084 02-05-87 Ind files by date/name/ext
DBLARCV.ZIP 2355 04-18-87 View zip contents in double_column mode
DC103E.ZIP 10557 04-21-88 Dir assist like pcmag's but more++++++
DCWHERE.ZIP 12783 10-24-86 Find any file any where in system
DDUP.ZIP 25484 08-16-87 Handle duplicate files on hd_many optio
DDUP11.ZIP 23884 08-16-87 Find duplicate files. outstanding utility
DD_1.ZIP 3288 01-06-86 Double dir's, side by side
DELALL.ZIP 9599 01-26-88 Deletes subdirs and all files within.
DELAYS.ZIP 29360 07-05-89 Utilites delay timing with source
DELBUT2.ZIP 4025 07-19-88 Delete all but...v2 w masm source
DELDUPE.ZIP 11574 07-21-87 Delete duplicate or older files
DELZ.ZIP 2241 07-06-87 Delete a file absolutely
DETECT20.ZIP 31053 06-30-89 The detective, file tracking, dbl crc c
DFF3.ZIP 11219 01-30-89 Fast file finder/wldcards, multidrv new
DFL.ZIP 28477 11-27-89 Dup file locator
DFL150.ZIP 56610 10-03-90 Dupe file locator ver 1.50 finds dups on
DIFF24.ZIP 37302 11-29-88 V2.4 text file comparison w c source.
DIRARCH.ZIP 3524 01-26-86 List all files with archive bit set
DIREX.ZIP 1488 12-20-86 Copy delete etc select groups of files
DIRFIND.ZIP 6978 10-23-88 List all filenames containing string
DIRNOTES.ZIP 2113 08-28-87 Add comments to dir listing like bbs
DIRSRT.ZIP 2891 04-06-87 List sorter
DIRUTIL2.ZIP 28274 04-15-88 A nice file utility program
DIR_X.ZIP 31253 07-31-88 Directory_expanded hard _ floppy disk fi
DISKSQ.ZIP 5120 02-07-86 Squeeze a complete floppy for storage
DM26.ZIP 79821 08-01-89 Directory master file manager classic
DMOVE4.ZIP 25248 10-22-89 Move _ copy files _ novell compatable _
DOSHLP2.ZIP 45728 04-30-86 Public domain norton utilities like
DOSMT206.ZIP 57187 01-30-86 Dosamatic v2.06 file manager
DR.ZIP 2916 07-15-87 Use instead of dir __ from pc_magazine
DUH.ZIP 37374 11-03-88 V buerg arc utility
DUPE.ZIP 52506 06-18-89 Dupe of a floppy with only one read and
DUPLICAT.ZIP 3324 04-12-86 To do duplicate of your file.
DWC_A495.ZIP 88678 08-04-88 Arc util free not sea comp many opts.
DXARC3.ZIP 30312 10-28-88 Delete files that are in archive. src_e
EDDY.ZIP 47886 03-31-88 A nice file and directory editor
ENCFIL.ZIP 12248 07-11-89 Another file encoder decoder
ENVFREE.ZIP 6643 01-13-86 Find new files, any date
ERA20.ZIP 10185 05-15-87 Prompting file directory deleter
EX0TIC.ZIP 32403 12-26-88 Super tsr file dir util. vgg
EXETOOL.ZIP 23941 06-24-88 Examine .exe files
EXTDIR5.ZIP 19157 08-13-89 File attribute, diretory lister now
FASTHEX.ZIP 21897 11-09-86 Fast hex_binary conversion program
FAT106.ZIP 12786 08-03-89 Tells you where files are located on disk
FBR163.ZIP 13043 03-20-88 V.buerg's file backup restore v 1.63
FC12.ZIP 18680 01-21-91 Compare two text files _ finds all matc
FCOMM130.ZIP 112070 03-17-86 File commando 1.3. best file utility
FE428PRG.ZIP 188113 01-25-89 File express ver 4.28 1 of 2
FE428SUP.ZIP 176392 01-25-89 File express ver 4.28 2 of 2
FF208.ZIP 10282 05-28-88 Find files across disks and networks
FFF26.ZIP 33971 06-27-90 J. derr's filefinder pack v. 2.6
FFF343.ZIP 46523 06-21-90 Fast file find find a file on a hard
FFM352.ZIP 29768 09-01-88 File mgr _ shell _ update of the classic
FFRIEND.ZIP 62540 03-11-87 Filefriend+ file mgr _ extensive shell
FHID22.ZIP 6539 05-31-88 Find hidden files __ with c src
FICHECK5.ZIP 89642 01-01-89 File integrity checker.
FILCAT.ZIP 63174 04-07-86 File cataloger
FILCLEAN.ZIP 1325 01-20-86 Del files in all directories
FILEC.ZIP 10402 10-03-87 Completes spelling of file name w 1 key
FILECOPY.ZIP 862 12-20-86 Turbo dos file copying programs
FILEDATE.ZIP 7404 08-26-86 Make files.bbs by date
FILER30.ZIP 27631 05-27-86 Bill neidert's filer utility v3.0
FILER32.ZIP 43082 06-04-88 All_purpose copy del browse compare util
FILESIZE.ZIP 1235 06-10-86 Returns exact integer filesize up to 32
FILESORT.ZIP 2938 02-19-86 File sort program in basica.
FILESTUF.ZIP 9597 05-30-88 Unix like tail, head, _ split utils
FILETEST.ZIP 23199 05-05-86 Utility for filecat
FILEUTIL.ZIP 11764 01-21-86 Good file utility, hidden, etc.
FILE_CRC.ZIP 55283 11-19-88 Computes crcs of disk files for protectn
FINREP.ZIP 8287 06-02-86 Find and replace strings in files w w.c.
FLOOK.ZIP 10591 06-10-86 Read any ascii text file...utility
FMOVE.ZIP 15090 06-30-86 Excellent filemover dir fixer for bbs
FMU500.ZIP 21048 08-28-86 File manager...not bad
FNDDIR.ZIP 482 12-12-86 Find subdir file and set errorlevel
FONDLE.ZIP 5858 08-18-86 Like touch but more usfull with make
FP.ZIP 4275 10-07-86 Ascii file dump of the screen
FSEC.ZIP 12343 03-14-87 File security at your fingertips
FSIZE2.ZIP 2871 06-21-86 Find file s ' sizes db3+ ?* ok bin asm
FTREE.ZIP 614 09-21-86 Like vtree but also shows files
FT_130.ZIP 114342 12-12-87 File tester detail and origin of file
FU21.ZIP 56324 03-03-87 Cal thames' fileutil _ ver. 2.1
FV133.ZIP 7986 09-03-90 File view to look at zip,arc,lhz files
FWKFZM10.ZIP 13904 03-17-89 Find _ delete duplicate zip files.
F_EXP409.ZIP 191323 12-05-87 File express rel 4.09 part 1 of 2
F_EXS409.ZIP 175716 12-05-87 File express rel 4.09 2 of 2
GENOZ.ZIP 35243 05-04-87 Copies files to numbered backup versions
GO.ZIP 8485 08-28-86 Move directly to all sub_dir's
GO53B.ZIP 45916 09-08-90 Go to a subdirectory with just typing go
GOFILE.ZIP 17850 08-26-90 Go to a file on your hard disk. search for
GUDLUK41.ZIP 60010 03-23-87 Compare files side_by_side v 4.1
HANDIDOS.ZIP 30941 12-18-87 Neat file utility.
HIDE.ZIP 2675 08-18-86 Hide and unhide dr using the del key.
HOWMANY.ZIP 31701 09-16-88 Shows total bytes for a group of files
HUNTATTR.ZIP 3499 01-14-87 Search for files by attributes. hrsna
ICE101.ZIP 2783 03-06-88 Com file security encrypter pgm kgraham
ICMP.ZIP 5163 12-25-86 Intelligent file compare program
IDC14F.ZIP 123425 07-05-89 Update for narc 3.0f. also includes
IDIR.ZIP 25762 03-10-89 Get full_color icon based directories o
IFF13A.ZIP 9628 09-08-90 A fast file search utility that can also
IGNORE.ZIP 5212 09-08-86 Copy damaged files ignoring crc errors
INTRCPT1.ZIP 4011 04-28-86 Use 360k floppies at 720k w/at _ dos 3.2
KNEW300.ZIP 5037 01-29-86 Copy files by date stamp w/ overwrite
LARK3R1.ZIP 42785 05-17-88 Lark unarc program v. 3.r1
LDA101.ZIP 22306 07-04-86 Hard disk analysis find dupe utility
LDIR41.ZIP 15270 01-27-89 Display files in one or all dir's
LIFE50.ZIP 42555 12-25-86 Turbolife version 050
LISTTEX.ZIP 9160 05-05-87 Text file listing program with piping
LOADTSR.ZIP 5957 01-06-87 Helps make programs mem resident
LOC.ZIP 1248 03-12-86 Better than whereis to find files
LOCATFIL.ZIP 12758 01-21-91 Locate files accross directories _ mix c
LOCKFILE.ZIP 3934 08-15-86 File locking unlocking with password
LOCKIT.ZIP 9987 08-06-86 Encrypt with binary or ascii option
LOOZ210.ZIP 11537 08-08-87 .zoo extract list text v2.10
LPTX700.ZIP 34351 10-19-87 Lptx ver 7.0 redirect print to file
LSORT23.ZIP 47126 01-06-88 Latest (v2.3) of norm london's sort pkg.
LSRT3E.ZIP 61964 09-18-88 Lsort 3.01 latest version archived
LSRT3L.ZIP 34584 08-12-88 Lsort 3.01 libraries (need 4 exits)
LSRT3O.ZIP 51612 09-17-88 Lsort 3.01 object files (need 4 exits)
LSTDR310.ZIP 3324 06-16-87 Istdir v3.1_ list all sub dir of drive
LSTV2.ZIP 14599 08-21-90 Lst ver 2.0. new features, betters docs
LS_OS2.ZIP 17436 02-19-88 Unix_like dir os 2 protected mode
LUDEF4.ZIP 4239 03-21-89 Ext_ definitions/use lbr_ lu util/ lrun
LUE19.ZIP 8345 03-21-89 Sm _ lue v1.93_ extract from lu/lar typ
LUE210.ZIP 4337 09-01-85 Unlib and unsq in one step
LUE220.ZIP 4632 04-28-86 Library extractor ver 2.20 by buerg (fa
LU_SQ.ZIP 27475 03-18-87 Utilities for .lbr and .?q? files
LVL17.ZIP 51935 03-17-90 Latest version list ver 17
MAKERE14.ZIP 1972 05-01-87 Convert text file to com file
MAN.ZIP 11198 12-31-86 Find .doc files for exe programs
MANARC10.ZIP 14909 03-20-88 Driver menu for pkxarc and pkarc
MARC50.ZIP 7330 09-04-86 Merge arc files together _ works w/5.12
MARCSQ.ZIP 19274 03-15-88 Files between arcs without searching
MASTERK.ZIP 62195 11-22-87 Un_hide files to store on hd's_
MENU_ESC.ZIP 21852 09-24-90 Excellent programmable menu system __
MK.ZIP 54705 01-01-87 Disk _ file utility nice user interface
MLS130.ZIP 20886 07-11-90 A fast utility designed to search
MREV.ZIP 70996 01-31-88 Compare two files
MSET.ZIP 1375 09-10-87 Set any video mode from dos _ with src.
MSPANTOC.ZIP 53024 01-20-87 Document formatting_processing utility
MTS2.ZIP 13133 03-13-87 Multi_tasker works on xts and clones
MURUTIL.ZIP 187123 01-02-87 Utilities by murphy
MVA101.ZIP 4724 03-10-88 Kgraham's multi_volume arc utility v1.01
MV_LINE.ZIP 8448 01-04-86 Move lines from one file to another c s
MYCLOCK.ZIP 11113 01-06-88 Replaces getclock.com. time_date
NANSI987.ZIP 23076 09-13-87 Ansi.sys replacement _ sep 87 ver.
NARC24.ZIP 108464 09-24-88 Newest narc..view/extract arcs, etc..
NAV11.ZIP 97951 06-04-89 New version of popular file manager.
NCOMPRES.ZIP 59877 10-18-88 Compress fully compat. w *nix src_exe
NDMAKE30.ZIP 26604 03-17-86 Similar to the un*x util. prog. 'make'
NDMAKE45.ZIP 95748 01-21-91 Ndmake 4.5 _ excellent make program
NDTOUCH.ZIP 5225 01-21-91 Unixlike file date time set ndmake 4.x
NETMAN.ZIP 129722 03-16-88 Network manager _ access workstation acr
NEW.ZIP 6652 02-17-86 List files create in the last 24 hours.
NEWCOMP.ZIP 2953 05-21-87 Brief 2.x _ compares text in two windows
NEWFIX33.ZIP 3109 06-13-88 Drivparm fix for pc ms tandy dos 3.30
NEWMM.ZIP 45943 06-05-86 Mediamaster utilites
NEWPATH.ZIP 1494 02-07-86 Changes directory (can be run within ws
NG_SPL.ZIP 14004 07-18-88 Splits norton guide databases back out
NJFB.ZIP 6360 04-12-87 Nifty james beeper control.
NJTIDY.ZIP 8263 04-06-89 Easily remove unwanted files
NO.ZIP 11986 04-17-86 Pc mag. utility (like delbut but general
NOBLANK.ZIP 10558 04-03-86 Remove blank lines from doc's.
NORTON.ZIP 630 12-04-86 Menu for norton utilities
NORTON40.ZIP 3328 01-01-88 Reference sheet for norton adv. 4.0
NOTE.ZIP 9853 10-09-88 Tsr file lister only 3k over head
NREDATE.ZIP 13181 04-16-89 Chg date of arc zip lzh to latest file
NRO.ZIP 11834 10-13-86 Unix_like nroff text formatting program
NROSRC.ZIP 29738 05-25-86 Unix_like nroff program w c source
NRU.ZIP 12692 12-21-86 Norton_like utilities in one program
NSWP1020.ZIP 36595 02-12-88 Good filesweep program does arc's
NU45FIX.ZIP 2578 02-06-89 Bugs in norton utilities rel 4.5
OLD2NEW.ZIP 31645 08-19-89 Convert old non_compressed files to new
OOPS.ZIP 294 02-28-86 Save basic files after its "too late"
OOZ130.ZIP 7089 03-23-87 Fast extractor for .zoo files
OS2UTILS.ZIP 130098 05-16-88 Os 2 utils
OTHRUZ.ZIP 38719 01-21-91 Pc mag's utilities o thru z 3 88
OTREE.ZIP 8551 01-15-88 Better than dos tree...
OVL30.ZIP 73875 01-12-89 Large programs in small amt of memory
Location oF files 015B
PACK.ZIP 12426 05-29-86 Packs tp toolbox indexes
PAKSWEEP.ZIP 8083 11-24-88 Sweep dir of uneeded files inside .pak
PAK_KIT3.ZIP 37993 10-16-88 Pkware utilities for use with .pak files
PAK_KIT4.ZIP 41706 11-07-88 More pkware util's for .arc (pak) files
PAL2ALL.ZIP 225844 06-24-88 Use w sidekick for appmt reports alarms
PARTNR31.ZIP 43224 07-10-88 Equal partners_brooklyn b 5.25_3.5 tx
PATH_ADD.ZIP 8487 02-05-89 Add to dos path on the fly.
PATRIQN1.ZIP 145731 01-18-89 Part 1 of utils. pdel, palert, pattr.etc
PATRIQN2.ZIP 143822 07-04-88 Part 2 of utils. pdaily, ptouch2, ps38
PATTR.ZIP 21235 10-15-86 Patriquin's file attribute modifier v1.0
PAWS21.ZIP 56631 02-13-89 Replace dos pause _ use your own message
PC2TIME.ZIP 10952 03-01-86 Split operations program
PCAT10.ZIP 112359 11-26-89 File catalog _ adds descr. automatically.
PCBROWSE.ZIP 6992 02-24-86 File browse utility from pc_mag, (asm c
PCBTRAP.ZIP 793 01-21-91 Tsr that traps out ctrl_c's for doors
PCDOS.ZIP 13385 08-17-86 Reload command.com from any location
PCHELP.ZIP 24262 02-19-86 Pc_dos 3.10 help all the commands .
PCMAGIDX.ZIP 54762 02-18-86 Dbii_ascii index of 1st 1/2 85 pc mag
PCMAMAGE.ZIP 15562 11-22-89 Pc mag's compression program
PCMASM1.ZIP 38623 06-05-86 Source for old pc magazine utils (a_d)
PCMASM2.ZIP 38253 06-05-86 Source for old pc magazine utils (e_o)
PCMASM3.ZIP 34545 07-28-86 Source for old pc magazine utils (p_r)
PCMASM4.ZIP 38531 07-16-86 Source for old pc magazine utils (s_x)
PCMGUTL1.ZIP 27330 04-17-87 Pc mag utilities vol 1 part 1
PCMGUTL2.ZIP 16424 08-11-86 Pc mag utilities vol 1 part 2
PCOPY787.ZIP 62970 07-25-89 Excellent copy program. replace dos cop
PCOPY85D.ZIP 85054 08-01-90 Patiquins copy program 8_1_90 85d
PCOTIME.ZIP 22590 06-29-86 Various programs for pc_outline
PCO_V18.ZIP 107309 07-07-86 Version 1.8 of pcovery good
PCTOOLRV.ZIP 4729 02-08-89 Review of pctools 5.1 version.
PCWRTCUS.ZIP 2831 12-20-86 Data file with tips for customizing pc
PCXREF.ZIP 48325 07-30-86 Basic crossreference utility v.4 good.
PC_124.ZIP 5180 04-15-87 Tells type of equip to 80386 04 15 87
PC_2TIME.ZIP 10952 03-01-86 Split pc in 2 great boss coming switch
PC_HELP1.ZIP 73462 01-21-86 (part 1 of 2) learn dos commands
PC_HELP2.ZIP 44609 01-27-86 (part 2 of 2) learn dos commands
PC_TEST.ZIP 1051 09-03-86 More accurate test than norton's si
PC_TSR.ZIP 3178 08-30-87 Pc_mag's install remove pcmap your tsr's
PDEL33.ZIP 42097 07-08-89 Super delete utility _ many new opts.
PDR26.ZIP 4510 11-10-86 Van buerg latest fast formatter
PDTIMPRK.ZIP 8845 09-14-87 Disk parking tsr w commented asm src
PEPORE.ZIP 7484 04-03-87 Tiny tsr memory zapper
PERCAL10.ZIP 10948 11-16-87 Perpetual calendar program with c src
PF11.ZIP 5073 08-26-88 Check and swap lpt and com ports.
PFM222.ZIP 49285 02-05-86 Per. file mgr. v 2.22 great dos shell_
PGMRSHOP.ZIP 200570 02-20-89 Lots of pd utilities in auto dearc file
PIBCAT.ZIP 39360 01-20-87 A good disk cataloger
PIBCAT14.ZIP 39970 05-29-88 Catalog files on disk _ within arc w src
PIBCAT15.ZIP 67371 11-07-88 Dir to file of disk + zip zoo dwc lbr md
PIBCAT17.ZIP 78599 04-01-89 Disk cataloguer/arc/dwc/lbr/lzh/ zip/zoo
PICPARK.ZIP 10009 08-09-87 Display park position of hard disk
PIPASCAL.ZIP 15706 03-13-88 Calc pi to up to 65 000+ places (fast)
PIPEDIR.ZIP 12612 11-30-89 Pipe file names or directories into pro
PIPEV221.ZIP 15956 09-05-87 Redirect output to both scrn _ file devc
PI_COMP.ZIP 1351 02-16-86 File compare with wild card options
PKARC35P.ZIP 1599 05-17-87 Patch to pkarc v3.5 to disable squash
PKBANNER.ZIP 22351 05-04-89 Add change modify zip banners extr lines
PKBUG.ZIP 369 10-13-90 Describes bug in pkxarc
PKFIND11.ZIP 8398 01-21-91 Finds files even in arcs. by katz
PKHELP.ZIP 2638 10-30-86 Pkarc help screen _ resident
PKLITE.ZIP 13444 08-09-90 Compress your exe files to up to 60%
PKSHELL.ZIP 62872 09-12-88 Phil katz shell in color.
PKX35ERR.ZIP 1188 10-02-87 Fix for a minor bug in pkxarc 3.5
PKX35FIX.ZIP 1541 10-23-87 Fix for a small bug _ from the author
PKX35PAT.ZIP 1599 05-17-87 Patch for pkxarc35
PKXARCM.ZIP 11591 10-04-87 Menu driven front end for pkxarc
PKXF35.ZIP 3474 09-25-87 Correct pkarc squash error true patch
PMC37.ZIP 41068 09-14-88 File catalog program
PMENU.ZIP 174463 09-19-89 Shareware powermenu...an easily
POLYCOPY.ZIP 19136 04-07-87 Copy multiple files at same time
POPCAL.ZIP 7804 09-23-86 Resident calendar activate alt_c arrows
POPCALC.ZIP 8993 02-05-86 Pop_up calculator
POP_CAL.ZIP 966 07-28-86 A pop_up calendar (for 1900_2999 mem res
PP508U.ZIP 86006 07-28-89 Perfect pop v5.08, keyboard/mouse menu
PRC36.ZIP 35591 11-07-88 Great little pop up calculator
PRECIOUS.ZIP 9529 11-09-89 Routine to backup precious files
PREVIEW.ZIP 15228 02-28-87 Look at text files for format
PRIVY.ZIP 19973 03-21-86 Fast, unusual encrypt/decrypt utility
PROBE102.ZIP 39279 03-22-89 File locator searches arc _ zip files
PRODHP12.ZIP 189434 11-08-89 Self_extracting prodigy utilities
PRODIGY.ZIP 91517 03-23-88 Demo of the new ibm sears network
PROGCOM1.ZIP 35682 01-14-87 Pc mag utility files as of 25 feb 87
PROGORG.ZIP 21303 01-25-88 Menu base program organizer
PS35.ZIP 51613 12-01-87 Search for file, search files for ???
PS38.ZIP 52042 03-13-88 Psearch 3.8 file text search utility
PS410.ZIP 88650 01-27-89 Utility to copy,sort _ merge data files
PSEARCH3.ZIP 51952 09-09-86 Psearch v3.0 super file search utility
PSRCH2B.ZIP 50749 04-17-86 Searches dir, lbrs, and arcs
PTOUCH1.ZIP 14157 12-01-86 Ptouch ver 1.1 changes time date files
PUFF305D.ZIP 37128 06-16-88 Tsr file mgt util (view copy del paste)
PULL20.ZIP 65314 01-21-91 Excellent pulldown _ popup menus for tp4
PULLDWN1.ZIP 44331 09-14-89 Pulldown menu shell system. mouse supp
PUSHFI10.ZIP 9530 03-14-86 Push files on archive stack like vax vm
PUTDATE.ZIP 5441 08-18-88 Puts the current date to a file
PUTPASS1.ZIP 14319 03-26-87 Add password protection to .com files
PWDGEN11.ZIP 5632 06-10-86 Random password generator v1.1
QARCDIR.ZIP 7358 01-21-91 Pkarc support utility for subdirs
QCMP111.ZIP 11738 07-23-88 C. dunfords file compare _ like comp
QDISK402.ZIP 18932 04-04-88 Memory resident file manager ver 4.02
QDUP.ZIP 31578 10-25-89 File duplication finder a very nice pro
QF360.ZIP 24440 09-09-89 Quick find text with many options. fast
QF450.ZIP 27745 10-27-89 Quick find file program ver. 4.5
QFC7MENU.ZIP 2620 01-24-88 Logitech c7 mouse menu for qfiler
QFILER31.ZIP 81503 02-16-88 Excellent 2 dir, viewer with utilities...
QMENU216.ZIP 18629 03-12-88 Menu easy menu system v2.16 (3 10 88)
QMR200.ZIP 138428 06-22-89 Calendar/project management/auto_remind
QRUN.ZIP 10428 01-21-91 Global command execute utility
QSORT300.ZIP 23333 03-12-87 Versatile sort utility vers. 3.0
QSORT322.ZIP 41396 12-28-88 Probably the best sorting utility. v.
QWALK.ZIP 11410 02-07-88 Selective global command utility (gjv)
RABBIT.ZIP 10741 01-15-88 Use wildcards w any command.
RAGGMOPP.ZIP 13885 12-30-87 Copy files w update protection src incl
RAGMOP13.ZIP 14043 01-08-88 Copy only recent files source included
RBCOLOR.ZIP 16466 01-05-88 Add super color to file dirs *new*
READ_BAS.ZIP 3001 02-04-88 Reads .bas programs _ creates ascii file
REARC.ZIP 3723 03-02-87 Automatic rearcing of files using pkarc
REARC11.ZIP 5529 03-06-86 Auto convert pre_5.x arc files
REBOOT3.ZIP 45575 04-07-89 Reboot cpu with multiple autoexec/config
RECON.ZIP 12637 09-12-86 Reboot w different configs _ autoexecs
REDATEAR.ZIP 20049 06-14-88 Redate arcs and files on the fly_
RELEASE.ZIP 3839 04-17-86 Release mem res programs and restore env
RENAMALL.ZIP 18332 08-09-88 Renames all .old suffixes to .new suffix
RENANY.ZIP 11602 01-02-86 Rename files directories _ dos commands
REPEAT.ZIP 8261 01-21-86 Repeat a command for a string of variabl
REPLACE3.ZIP 12814 07-07-86 Replace text strings in ms_dos files
RESET.ZIP 946 08-30-86 Removes memory resident programs
RESET12.ZIP 2807 09-17-88 Multiple autoexec _ config environments
RESLOG.ZIP 13125 12-10-86 Log computer usage
RESMAN1.ZIP 23555 06-28-87 Mem res prog management util like tsr ++
RESTMP.ZIP 11591 02-22-87 Date time stamp zip utility
RE_ARC.ZIP 3306 02-19-88 Use with pkarc to make your dls smaller.
RE_BOOT.ZIP 1427 08-13-87 Control re_booting of your system
RE_CON.ZIP 12637 09-12-86 Replaces config _ autoexec _ reboots
RHM.ZIP 63500 10-15-86 Sk like desktop manager _ great
RH_MAN.ZIP 63500 10-15-86 Freeware sidekick clone
RN4.ZIP 34106 11-25-89 Pc mag's rn.com v1.1 _ works with dos 4.
RN_DR26.ZIP 29979 07-11-88 Rev 2.6 upgrade to pc mag rn dr co progs
ROCALC10.ZIP 14465 07-14-88 Estimate of floppies needed to backup
RPTDMD.ZIP 8470 11-14-88 Files for report program help see msg.
RUN098.ZIP 25248 10-27-89 File select from popup directory /any p
SCAN2.ZIP 5059 03-05-86 Scans for ascii strings in non_text file
SCOUT34.ZIP 122759 05-04-89 Latest version of scout_supports zip
SCRNCH.ZIP 43374 01-31-88 Great data compressor
SECRET2.ZIP 1699 03-27-87 Create secret files.arc
SEDMOD.ZIP 43040 12-25-87 Modified version of gnused
SEZ200.ZIP 7703 05-02-87 Create self_extracting zoo files v2.0
SFD11.ZIP 14871 06-14-88 Selective file delete _ keeps log of de
SHARC875.ZIP 52576 01-03-89 New version of sharc
SHERLOCK.ZIP 63087 01-01-89 Interactive file compare utility
SHEZ57.ZIP 117001 07-25-90 Shez archive comapnion latest version
SIZE060.ZIP 10521 02-23-88 Show file sizes using wildcard commands
SMAX.ZIP 606 10-22-88 Format a 360k disk to 420 k
SORTF230.ZIP 5846 05-23-88 Fast sort utility from v buerg
SSCAN30.ZIP 14566 02-19-89 Search scan for text in a ascii file
SSEARCH2.ZIP 30081 02-28-90 Great search program that will look at
SSEARCH4.ZIP 57586 12-16-90 Speed search ver 1.4 search your hard
| Drives for a file or wildcard
STOP1.ZIP 4032 12-01-88 Trojan horse stopper with source
STRIPZ13.ZIP 12980 10-16-89 Strip zip comments from files. v. 1.3
STS_220.ZIP 79934 01-13-90 Stereo shell to pack and unpack zip and
SUB41B.ZIP 42013 08-17-88 Fine _ apply dos cmds to files. vg
SUPERLOK.ZIP 11791 08-05-86 Explains superlok copy protect document.
SZ10.ZIP 9669 05-21-88 Summarize file sizes. great for lans.
TELED211.ZIP 93713 08-27-90 Teledisk ver 2.11 copy and story disks
| Into files
TIMEREAD.ZIP 1245 04-16-85 Delete files y/n
TPL.ZIP 61623 07-13-87 July release of private line encryption
TREEVU11.ZIP 122021 05-31-89 V1.1 of one of best file managers
TZ40.ZIP 177949 05-18-89 Convert arc, pak, zoo to zip_
UCOMPRES.ZIP 19365 02-06-86 Unix compatible compress (c doc mak)
UNBACKUP.ZIP 10550 07-21-86 Restore backup disks in any order w/c src
UNDOBACK.ZIP 1363 10-22-86 Get at dos backup files without restore
UNIXARC.ZIP 23744 07-02-89 Unix arc tool_ like pkarc (unzip first)
UNIXGREP.ZIP 11379 12-29-86 Unix util to search txt for reg. express.
UNIXSUBS.ZIP 12588 12-29-86 Unix util to substitue reg.expr. in strin
UNIXTEE.ZIP 6245 11-12-86 Send output to screen _ file at same time
UNLOCK.ZIP 1999 07-26-86 Decrypts files use lock.com encrypt
UPDAT.ZIP 523 09-20-86 Change timestamp to current date
UPDATECP.ZIP 2869 10-23-86 Update or refresh files by date
UUDECODE.ZIP 1649 09-14-88 Converts files for unix xfer. w/ srce.
VACUUM.ZIP 4887 01-24-87 Restore files on hard disk
VCHECK.ZIP 12249 11-29-88 Computes exe _ com csums _ does compare
VDB_UTIL.ZIP 292068 03-21-88 All of the buerg utilities _ very good.
VEX.ZIP 23282 12-13-88 A file viewer and hex editor
VFILER28.ZIP 7720 06-04-87 Nice sorted file directory manager v2.8
VMSARC.ZIP 14984 07-26-89 Arc and lbr for vax vms
WF110.ZIP 47384 10-03-87 Wide screen file manager
WHERE31.ZIP 20947 09-20-89 Whereis _ file finder. v. 3.1 improved.
WHERIS20.ZIP 12289 09-12-88 Quick file finder incl. inside .arcs
WHERIS26.ZIP 13882 02-28-89 Find files anywhere even in arc's zip's
XEQ151.ZIP 8457 05-30-87 Ompress executable com files. save space
XFILES.ZIP 9828 05-08-86 File conversion utilities
XPORT13A.ZIP 25882 07-23-89 Update file transfer utility_ very good
XT101.ZIP 19755 09-16-86 Execute command along tree
Z2A_CN.ZIP 9864 02-26-89 Converts . zip to .arc files
ZD_12.ZIP 20410 08-24-87 Zip directory_colorful new version 2.17
ZIP.ZIP 146771 05-17-88 Filemgr menus comm zip and more _
ZIPEVAL1.ZIP 2451 02-04-89 Results of zip vs pk comparisons.
ZIPOT11.ZIP 11263 02-25-89 Set zipfile timestamp to "old" time
ZIPQUIK5.ZIP 13139 02-19-89 Util to convert pak arc to zip
ZIPSIZE.ZIP 41518 06-13-90 Splite zip files into smaller zip files
ZIPSPLIT.ZIP 41518 06-13-90 Split . zip files into smaller parts.
ZIPTV15.ZIP 39473 04-07-89 View files inside . zips w o extraction
ZIPVINC.ZIP 11901 02-15-89 Display files in a zip file with c src
ZIP_VWR.ZIP 4467 06-01-89 Magellan viewer for zip files
ZOO121.ZIP 44954 09-21-86 Zoo _ new fast archive/unarchive _ ver 1.
ZOOHSTRY.ZIP 2811 03-22-88 History of the zoo archiver.
ZV101.ZIP 17889 08-29-89 Zv _ view, version 1.01